Individuel – Masterclass – Chorale – Operastudio – Young singersprojects

Singing on stage is one thing; teaching the technique to students is another, completely separate skill! There’s a
reason why the two actvites are so rarely combined: each draws on very specific interests, approaches and
qualites, which are regremully not always encountered in one and same person.

In my case, this double relationship to singing did not appear overnight! On the contrary, it took more than 20
years of stage experience before I experienced the need to share. But from the day I set out to explore this new
universe, teaching became a vital part of my life. I receive as much in return as I give!

What I believe are the needs
of the young lyric singer

The lyrical singer?
When the individual as such
« is » the instrument …

Good vocal training?
Essential, but …
largely insufficient!

The secret of a career?
The balance between strength of
character and adaptability!

The three principle axes
which I propose to develop

Cultivate your added value
(« Be yourself ! Everyone else
is already taken ! »)

Know how to offer the best
on a production,
respecting your singularity

Build your career
with intelligence,
thinking long-term